Autodesk 123D Catch and other free 3D tools

The popular tool for conversion of photos to a realistic 3D model - Autodesk Photofly (Photo Scene Editor) - is now part of the "DIY" or "maker" family of applications "Autodesk 123D", under the new name - Autodesk 123D Catch. The 123D family now contains four tools: the original "modeling" tool - Autodesk 123D, a new Mac application that converts the 3D model to 2D "slices" to assemble - Autodesk 123D Make, a mobile "sculpting" tool Autodesk 123D Sculpt and now also the well-known tool for "photographic modeling" - Autodesk 123D Catch.

With 123D Catch, you can photograph any object, take a series of photos of this object from all directions, use automatic web-cloud tools to convert the photos to a 3D model, modify it in the program 123D and then have it manufactured. We have already tested 123D Catch (Photofly) on various types of models. Read about our experience and tips for successful conversion of photos to 3D objects on this blog and on our 123D Catch page.

Fo more information about this set of free Autodesk 3D tools for hobbyists and makers, visit Autodesk 123D.
