AutoCAD WS (formerly "Project Butterfly") is a free, cloud version of a CAD editor that supports the DWG and DXF file formats. This CAD tool runs on virtually any device - so you can create and edit your CAD drawings anywhere - online from an internet browser (on any desktop computer, laptop or netbook), and with WS Mobile even from a mobile device like an Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
AutoCAD WS needs an internet connection as your DWG file is first uploded to the Autodesk's web cloud server (Amazon S3) and the client application (a browser, iPad, etc.) then communicates with this cloud server. So you can also share, publish and markup CAD drawings in a team with your collegues. On the server, you have a storage space for your drawings, including their revision history (timeline).
With the plug-in module for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2011 you can synchronize your DWG files directly from your AutoCAD environment with AutoCAD WS on a mobile device.
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A sample drawing Budweiser2010 (login not required)
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