Free AutoCAD and other Autodesk software

Did you know there are several ways how you can get AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Inventor, Mechanical or 3ds Max for free? Yes, Autodesk gives its software for free for selected groups of users.

The major one of these groups are students. In most countries, students can download and use educational versions (fully functional software, EDU banner embedded in the drawings) of the most important Autodesk CAD, BIM and GIS software products. This offer is valid for several years already and the number of students who took this opportunity passed 1 million.

Another group qualified for free Autodesk software (plus training and certifications) are displaced employees - the unemployed. The "Autodesk Assistance Program" helps these professionals to stay in touch with the latest CAD technology and update their skills. This program is valid through January 31st, 2011. See

Both these groups can now get the latest versions of Autodesk products including:

  • AutoCAD 2011
  • AutoCAD Architecture 2011
  • AutoCAD MEP 2011
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011
  • AutoCAD Map 3D 2011
  • AutoCAD Electrical 2011
  • AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2011
