This year for the seventh time, just like last year and the years before - during Christmas, XANADU (CAD Studio) gives out a couple of free useful CAD tools for all CAD users. As a part of this tradition, this year's Christmas-tree utilities are the following:
TURBO is a tool which switches your AutoCAD to a "fast" mode. The TURBO command sets all relevant system variables influencing AutoCAD performance. You can try how much will this make your AutoCAD faster. The next TURBO (or TURBO0) command puts all back to your old settings.
GeoRefImg in its new enhanced version automatically places, scales and rotates any AutoCAD raster image according to its georeference "world" file. Plus you can create such world file from any positioned image in your drawing.
VerticesBlk inserts a specified block into all versices of a given polyline - 2D and 3D polyline. You can then number the vertices, schedule them in a table, etc.
AddV also works with polyline vertices - by simple pointing, you can easily add a new vertex or delete a vertex.
NCOPY0 is a modified Express Tools routine - you can quickly copy out a selected entity nested in a block or xref.
P2C is a conversion routine between circles and points. You can place points to the centers of selected circles, or convert points to circles.
Mesh2Pt converts 3D meshes to a group of 3D points.
ListInspection is also part of the Christmas collection - it is an Inventor macro with creates and exports a list of inspection dimensions.
Blikej ("blink") also suggests Christmas lights - it will blink the whole layer after you select an object from that layer.
All these new applications (plus many others) can be downloaded for free from our web sites www.cadstudio.cz (former Xanadu) and www.cadforum.cz.
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