Todella kattava kokoelma

... you don't understand? This is one of the web links to our free CAD Blocks Library on the web. In Finnish it means (according to Google Translate) something like "a truly comprehensive collection".

And this is also a typical assessment of in hundreds of other similar links from webs and discussion forums from all over the world. Already more than 4.000 blocks are available for download for all users of AutoCAD, Revit, or Inventor. If you are looking for 3D blocks, 2D symbols, dynamic blocks, details and libraries in the DWG, RFA or IPT formats -- for your architectural project, visualization, map, electrical scheme, mechanical assembly, for your school work or just for your inspiration when making your own blocks -- in our Block catalog, you will most probably find the right block.

And don't forget to give back your own blocks. Uploading a new file to the Catalog is very simple and your masterpiece is immediately published for all other visitors - including the automatically generated preview image (thumbnail). Show off your useful blocks or take an ad by publishing CAD blocks of the products of your company.
