Even when you are using alternative internet browsers, you can now also utilize DWF objects for interactive viewing of CAD drawings inside web pages. This is a new option to the current Freewheel web rendering service.
The newly released Firefox Add-on for Autodesk Design Review (see Autodesk Labs) is an add-on for displaying objects of the Design Review application also in non-MSIE browsers - these do not support ActiveX objects by default. The object with DWF or DWFx data allows fully interactive access to your CAD data - similar to the standalone Autodesk Design Review application. So you can use such web pages not only in the standard Internet Explorer, but also in browsers like Firefox (Mozilla), Opera, Google Chrome or Apple Safari.
DWF is a publishing format for effective, precise and secure transfer, markup and measuring of CAD data.
More information, tips and samples (in Czech) on XANADU DWF and DWF-FF sample (not for MSIE).
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