If you happen to come to Prague by plane, remember that the Prague airport infrastructure is managed using a GIS system by CAD Studio (former: XANADU) built on the Autodesk GIS technology.
You can imagine the size of various facilities on an airport - the landing strips, the restricted grounds, the terminals, their luggage handling floors and rentable area, the service buildings and their individual floors and offices and employees, the hangars, trees and vegetation, all the underground electricity, water and communication infrastructure... It's huge.
Plus there are of course very high requirements for security, availability and stability.
All this is managed by a combination of Autodesk applications (MapGuide, AutoCAD Map, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D) and CAD Studio custom software integrating all CAD, GIS, legacy data, document management and ERP data into a single information system - LetGIS ("airport" is "letiště" in Czech - hence the name). LetGIS communicates with SAP sharing geospatial and enterprise data. The Prague Airport company currently uses many additional modules developed by CAD Studio - managing relocations, door keys, shop floor rentals, emergency, fire department, maintenance planning, legal aspects, etc.
Hundreds of airport employees now use LetGIS for everyday tasks.
Full LetGIS material (PDF, in Czech)
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