
Service Pack 1 for AutoCAD 2013 with new security controls
Autodesk has released the first Service Pack for the AutoCAD 2013 family. SP1 for AutoCAD 2013 (plain AutoCAD plus the Design Suites versions) and AutoCAD LT 2013 fixes a series of problems reported using the CER (Customer Error Reporting Utility). Besides that, SP1 introduces new protection mech…

Augmented reality comes with Autodesk Showcase
A very interesting technology comes to CAD world with the new plugin for Autodesk Showcase 2013 released on Autodesk Labs - " Augmented Reality ". Augmented reality is a live view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated input such as render…

Benchmarked file size vs. thumbnail size in DWG 2013
With the new format and resolution of preview thumbnails stored in the AutoCAD 2013 DWG files, we wanted to benchmark the influence of thumbnail settings to the overall size of DWG files. The thumbnail size is controlled by the THUMBSIZE variable - it specifies the pixel resolution of PNG previews …

SIGGRAPH 2012: Autodesk Media and Entertainment Animation Show Reel
During the conference SIGGRAPH 2012 on computer graphics, Autodesk has released the traditional annual "show reel" - presenting the best works of his customers using the "Media and Entertainment" products by Autodesk - first of all animations and videos from the area of TV ads, …

Autodesk 360 Publisher - clear technical documentation
The newest member of the quickly spreading Autodesk 360 cloud family is the "Autodesk 360 Publisher Technology Preview". This cloud version of the well known desktop application Inventor Publisher can easily create visual instructions for assembling, installation, maintenance and repair …

Seamless DWG compatibility? Really?
There are many low-priced AutoCAD clones on the market - some have already vanished, some new are coming. All of them are trying the same thing - mimick as much as possible the AutoCAD functionality plus UI, and achieve compatibility with the genuine AutoCAD DWG file format to capture (at least tem…